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New Year Journal Prompts for 2024

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Happy new year, everyone! This month I thought I’d take the obvious choice and give you some journal prompts to get those brand new journals started. If you’re anything like me you start out strong, but you’re creativity begins to peter out a few weeks in.  Maybe you’re a seasoned veteran at journaling, dutifully writing at the end of each day, but that’s not me.  Every year I try to start the habit, but it doesn’t seem to stick.  I do great in the beginning, but around now my inspiration for what to write becomes lacking.

Even if you excel at journal writing, I figured all of us could use some prompts now and again. Or maybe you never even started! If that’s the case, you can pick up a new journal from my shop and get started today. I’ve done some research and loads of brainstorming to help give you all a jump start.  Without further ado, here are 10 ideas to shake up that diary!

1.      Make a wish!

Imagine you get a chance to make a wish for anything in the world. What would it be? How would that play out? What kind of ripple effect would it make for you, your family, your community, and the world?

2.      What’s your happiest memory?

It’s easy to dwell on the negatives in life, you can forget to stop to smell the roses or take the time to enjoy the little things.  Write about a day that contains one of your happiest memories in as much detail as possible. What made it so great? What led up to the best moments?


3.      Roll the die and write!

Write down several options for who, what, where, and when. Roll a die to decide each. Use the results to come up with a fictional story! Journals don’t have to always be documentation of your life, they can be a fun way to express your creativity.


4.      What was the best part of your day today?

This is a question we ask at the dinner table every single day. It’s a great conversation starter and helps you focus on the wonderful things that can happen on even the dullest of days. Pull out your day planner and jot down the best part of your day. At the end of the year, you can flip through and smile.


5.      If you were a flower, which would you be?

It’s a little cheesy, I know, but hear me out! Are you a sunflower, tall, bright, and noticeable? Are you thorny? Soft? Delicate? Brightly colored? Poisonous? You don’t have to know the actual meanings behind flowers to complete this exercise. Try to pair your physical and emotional traits to those of a flower. You may be surprised about what you discover during this introspection!

6.      If you could travel to the past, what would you tell your ancestors?

What would you tell them about your life and the year 2022? What wisdom would you impart to them? What stories would you want them to tell you? How do you think their daily life compares to yours? What wisdom would you ask for? You can be creative with this one or do a little hunting into your family past and the world events of the time.


7.      Write a letter to your future self.

Pick a date in the future, whether it be a year or ten from now. Write a letter to yourself. What are you in the thick of right now? What are your triumphs? What does your daily life look like? What are your goals that you hope future you has achieved? Make sure to keep this one so future you can read it later!


8.      Who do you admire most?

This is a fun little exercise to do.  Think of the person you admire most, doesn’t matter if they’re alive or dead, famous or not.  What would you say to this person if you could write them a letter?  How would you express your admiration for them?  Express yourself fully, even if you would feel silly actually sending the letter.


9.      What do you think people like most about you?

Put yourself in the perspective of others, either a stranger or personal friend, and take a good look at yourself. What do you think people like most about you? Be objective, don’t let your hang-ups get in the way. Maybe you’re not your type, but someone appreciates you and the qualities that make you an individual!


10.   A Guided Journal with a Flair for Humor

Ok, this one isn’t really a journal prompt.  It is, however, a journal that is FILLED with great exercises to help you keep your cool.  It’s sassy and, be warned, sweary which is perfect for my sense of humor.  Zen as F*ck will keep you engaged (and quite possibly keep you from slapping stupid people around).  Monica Sweeny has a whole line of these babies, so once you’ve filled one you can move on to the next. 


Take the time to pat yourself on the back for having made it this far into the year with a journal.  Or, if you’re just getting started, congratulate yourself for having the initiative to be a self-starter.  Whatever the case may be, I hope this list gives your diary a jump start!  If all these ideas have you running out of pages, I’ve got you covered!  I offer three different sizes of journal refills in my shop, so stock up today!

Thank you for joining me today, and as always, life’s better with leather!


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