Our Story


A lifelong passion for creation

turned into a dream profession.


Sweet Pea Leather is owned and operated by Jessica and Jon Fowler, and two little Sweet Peas.


I learned to create from my mother, who learned from her mother before her. I have a long line of creative women in my family who have shared this tradition with each of their daughters. My mom taught me to sew, crochet, and knit.

This stoked my curiosity for the world of creating and nurtured my artistic flair. I ended up getting my degree in art and graduated in 2008 from Northern Illinois University with a Bachelor Degree in Art Education.

Years after college my husband, Jon, decided to take up leatherworking as part of the medieval combat society we belong to. I was hesitant at first, unsure if it would be for me. Well, I fell in love. As an artist and artisan, I have worked with many mediums, but I've found leather to be the most rewarding.

Now I have two daughters of my own, my little Sweet Peas, and I love nurturing their creative side. I decided to take my passion and make it a business in 2014. When I say this is a family business, it really is. I often have little girls creating things with scraps of leather at my feet as a I work. Jon will often help me finish pieces, discuss ideas, or simply keep me company as I work.

I love getting to be home with my family while also doing something I love. I really couldn’t do this without you. Thank you so much for supporting my dream!
